Life. Education. Books. Films.

Friday, 13 July 2018

Shaheed Salim: Seek Street Knowledge Instead Of Book Knowledge

Shaheed Salim: Seek Street Knowledge Instead Of Book Knowledge: Today, an education may not educate. Many are the impressive-looking educational institutions in the world touting that they impar...

Shaheed Salim: Carrots And Sticks: Why Singapore Malay-Muslims Ca...

Shaheed Salim: Carrots And Sticks: Why Singapore Malay-Muslims Ca...: I sincerely believe that if the Malay-Muslim community of Singapore put their hearts and minds to the task of bridging the PSLE Ma...

Shaheed Salim: What Singapore Teachers Can Offer The World

Shaheed Salim: What Singapore Teachers Can Offer The World: Shaheed Salim (near centre of circle) training teachers in a Mathla'ul Anwar school in Karawang, Indonesia in 2016 For a long tim...

Shaheed Salim: O Teachers, What Are You Really Teaching?

Shaheed Salim: O Teachers, What Are You Really Teaching?: Shaheed Salim's Teacher Training Programme In Pattani, Thailand, In December 2017 I have just finished training some 50 to 60...